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Restaurants Like Chipotle, Chick-fil-A Get Personal To Avert The Industry’s Own ‘Retail Apocalypse’
Chick-fil-A overhauled its email marketing approach about two years ago to focus on personalized emails through a partnership with MessageGears. Digital Marketing News reports th ...
Personalization Best Practices For Data-Centric Retailers
In a world where your customers and prospects are expecting personalized communication, more customer data means more complex marketing programs. Unfortunately, for large business- ...
3 email ROI metrics retailers often ignore
Retailers expend a great deal of effort measuring the sales impact of their email campaigns. Retail marketers will run A/B tests to determine the subject line that will get the mos ...
How Email Can Help Retailers Stay Customer Focused
Many retail marketing departments have been expanding for the last few years, due to the strong economy and a surge in new marketing technologies. However, after three years of con ...
3 Assumptions Retailers Make About Customer Data
What assumptions are you making about your customer data and marketing technology that’s limiting the effectiveness of your marketing efforts without you even knowing it? The ...
9 best in-app messaging examples to drive user engagement
In-app messaging is a crucial component of a strong mobile engagement strategy – one that reaches users at the right time, in the right place, and is consistent across the custo ...
3 ways to engage customers using deep personalization
Customers expect a personalized experience from your brand – and their expectations around that personalized experience seem to rise every day.  Half of the respondents in our s ...
10 transactional email best practices with examples
When it comes to high-volume email sending, brands are using two key types to support their business operations: marketing and transactional. Can you guess which receives more enga ...
Beyond the buzz: A deep dive into MessageGears’ AI partners
Harnessing AI, data, and machine learning has become crucial for businesses to succeed. When used correctly, it can put your brand on the fast track to success. Get it wrong, and y ...
Using AI to improve the customer experience
As the technology improves and brands find success using artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the customer experience, AI is quickly moving from trendy concept to a valuable rev ...