+ MessageGears
Power dynamic mobile messaging using live customer data through MessageGears integration with Airship

Super Senders have the ability to connect and use live customer data to send messages and activations within the Airship™ platform – creating a best-of-breed solution for native channel execution and mobile messaging.

Airship + MessageGears

MessageGears platform integrations with Airship provide our users with total control over how their mobile messages are composed and sent:

Design message content in the MessageGears platform and deliver through Airship

For users well-acquainted with MessageGears’ mobile content creation that desire additional benefits that stem from using an SDK, our content delivery integration allows users the ability to design cross-channel campaigns and deliver through the Airship platform, with all delivery information being funneled back directly into our users’ data warehouse.


Send Segmented Groups of Customers Mobile Messages Through Airship Lists

MessageGears users can segment individual groups of users through MessageGears Segment and activate through Airship Lists, a simple solution for users who want to plan one-time or recurring campaigns within the Airship platform using live data.

Orchestrate Live Mobile Customer Journeys and Experiences Through Airship Tags

Users have the ability to update and set Airship Tags through MessageGears Segment, granting the ability to create defined and specific customer journeys and workflows while still letting their own in-house data be their source of truth.

Personalize Mobile Messages in Airship through MessageGears Engage

To create the perfect message, users need as much data as they can use. MessageGears Engage easily integrates as an Airship External Data Feed, giving users infinite flexibility when creating and executing on data-driven marketing.

Update and Describe Airship Audiences Using Live Data

Describe and tag Audiences in Airship with metadata through the use of Attributes, allowing users to both update members of audiences as well as describe them with rich contextual information.